Monday, December 6, 2010


We just got done meeting (from 8:30-10:30) at the library. Our video has all the final touches and it will look stupendous tomorrow. Jake, as you can see, deserves an A+++ for all the incredible editing he did. He's also showing up a little early to make sure our video works.

Dear group,
You are the best group I think I've ever had, and I love you for it. Thanks for everything!


We met as a group on Thursday from about 6-11:30ish. We wrote an ethics/ideology/theory rap that you WILL enjoy. :)

workin again... final stretch... but a long one (cont.)

Alright, well, I laid down while the scene I was working on from 1:30pm or whenever to 12:30am was rendering, and kinda fell asleep... Got up, and now I'm lookin' at all the stuff I have left to do, realizing it's Monday, and thinking "Oh no, oh no" because if THAT 17 seconds took me 11 hours... and there's a 34 second clip, and two 6-8 second clips, what am I gonna do??


I wish... I need the rap video footage because somehow it didn't make it onto my laptop. That's a crucial part to our project. I don't know if I should even start this footage because it's not going to be done by when we wanted to finalize it. Especially since I don't have the rap. And no DVD menu or anything yet. That part **shouldn't** be too hard.

Perhaps I'm just depressed now, but who knows. Anyway, I'm going to contact you all and let you know the situation.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

workin again... final stretch... but a long one

Argh I wish I'd have awoken earlier!! Didn't start workin' again 'til about (I swear 1:30pm or so, but looking back at texts I think it really was) 3:00pm, but I had some other things to do during the afternoon. I've got everything finalized, except for the scenes without the FX added. Looks pretty good =] Anyway, yeah, only two more scenes after the one I'm currently working on (plus the song) and then we'll be good to go! Easier said than done, so I'm gonna get back to working on the fight. =]

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rhett VS Rhett

Scene is DONE! It looks way sweet. Rhett debating with himself... Who'd've thought? Haha, anyway, I think only like 4 more "special FX" scenes and then I'll be done! (minus the song)

Worked from 1:15pm-3:00pm this afternoon.

Friday, December 3, 2010

workin workin...

K well decided to get one more done before tonight was over. It was a short one, but good. Got all McCarthy flipped and black & white, but still haven't done the Rhett VS Rhett. That's my next project for the morning. After that, I think I've only got like 4 more clips of "special FX" hahaha Woot! This is gonna be awesome guys! =]

Timeframe for this last clip: 10:00pm-10:58pm

workin' again

Well, I got let off work early, but forgot to post when I started, which was around 7:00pm. Hard at work, almost have another scene done. A fairly long one, so it could maybe count as two... haha =P Anyway, I'll add to this post when I'm done working again.

*edit* Done with the scene I've been working on since Thursday night at 9:45 tonight. Finally. 17 seconds. Argh. Haha but it looks way good =] Slowly adding things and it looks so BAD (in a good way)