Friday, November 12, 2010

Team meeting on Wednesday night

We met on Wed. night to watch the movie. We made waffles at Allee's dorm (even though Jake apparently isn't a big fan of them- should have told us!) and sat and watched. We talked about the movie some after our showing. We also brainstormed what we should do on our video. We might spice it up a little, but be warned: Rhett did not learn his dance moves from me. Anyways, our next meeting is Tuesday. By then we're going to have a lot of research done. Not just mentally, but we're going to physically have notes, ideas, etc. We can then really nail down what we're doing for our project and potentially even start on the video this coming week.

My personal responsibility is to really nail down the facts of what happened. I already feel that this movie was pretty historically accurate because it was actually about being accurate and checking facts prior to reporting (plus we got a glimpse of Bailey and Noelle's video:), but I'll certainly do my homework to make sure this is true. I also am assigned to figure out dominant ideologies presented in the film and how they relate to reality. Exciting!

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